On March 20 through March 28, 2009 NALSA will have a regatta of full-size landsailers. IRCSSA will be allowed to perform our own regatta within the NALSA schedule. Several of the NALSA members are also IRCSSA members and as in the past, will no doubt participate in the IRCSSA regatta as well.
We are painfully aware that high fuel prices may deter many other IRCSSA members more than ever from actually travelling to the regatta. To provide an opportunity for those folks, and those who even before this time, could not justify travelling that far, we will create some sort of interaction between those that can and those that can’t.
We do not yet know the details of what we’ll do but we’re confident that we’ll come up with something interesting and exciting. Of course we are open for suggestions from the floor. If you have a suggestion in this area, please send it via email to the IRCSSA president at president@(omit)IRCSSA.ORG.