Welcome to IRCSSA!


IRCSSA, the International Radio Controlled Surface Sailing Association, was founded by radio control surface sailors to include both land and ice yachts because of the common sailing principles of the two vessels and the differences between them and other forms of sailing.  Its mission is to promote the sport and encourage the exchange of ideas with cooperation and friendly competition worldwide. 


To accomplish its mission IRCSSA intends to provide such things as Class Standards, a standardized Sail Numbering system and racing rules. It is not the intent to dictate what members do in their home countries. Rather, it is to provide in addition to local practice, standardized conditions in which members can compete with other members in other parts of the world, under identical conditions. Members can use any rules or conditions they wish when competing with local members, however when competing with members in foreign lands, IRCSSA standards will be available for them to use.

It is also IRCSSA’s intent to provide in this website, notice of sources for items useful for participating in this sport.